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Our Culture
CBC Culture

In an effort to maintain a family atmosphere in its workplace, CBC engages colleagues and their families in activities, community events and other interactions to maintain a fun, yet productive, environment.  CBC has a policy of actively involving each Colleague at every level of the corporate structure to gather input, set goals and assist in professional development and company training documents and manuals.  Throughout the year, CBC recognizes and celebrates special occasions for colleagues including birthdays and employment anniversaries.

CBC really works towards a true team mentality for all of their colleagues.  Each Colleague is assigned to a Team consisting of Colleagues from different departments and offices that meet on a monthly basis to review each Colleague’s assigned tasks and responsibilities for the month.  At the end of the month, each team receives an overall score based on performance with the winning team receiving prizes from cash to spa or movie certificates.  Team names were decided by using a name that would symbolize their commitment, accountability and success for each other.  The four team names that our Colleagues decided on for 2009:

  • Black Team-WOOF Pack  (Who knows what they were thinking)
  • White Team- Team I.C.E – (Individual’s Committed to Excellence)
  • Blue Team- S.W.A.T (Sucks for you, we’re Winning All the Time)
  • Orange Team- The Screwdrivers (Vodka and orange juice in every bottom drawer)

In each corporate meeting, management retreat and training session, CBC leverages the opportunity of time together to not only work through the specific tasks at hand, but also to give colleagues the opportunity to work together and get to know one another through lighthearted exercises:

  • Famous People – Each Colleague must identify the famous person or place taped to their back by asking ‘yes” or “no” questions.
  • CBC Bucks – Colleagues reward each other for participation and suggestions during meetings by paying their Colleagues CBC Bucks.  The Colleague with the most money at the end of the day wins the prize!
  • CBC Jeopardy – This fun filled game is a great way to test Colleague knowledge at the end of a training session or meeting.  There is always much debate on who buzzed in first!

CBC hosts a number of events throughout the year in their community that brings together Colleagues, family members, friends and clients.  But one of the most anticipated events each year is the annual CBC camping trip that takes place over Memorial Day weekend.  CBC uses a floating holiday to allow participating Colleagues to camp over a 4 day weekend at the selected camp grounds.  In recent years, we have camped at the Grand Canyon, Zion National Park and Big Sur.  Each year the trip gets bigger and better!

Winter Holidays are a warm and wonderful time of year.  The CBC family looks forward to an evening together to relax, have fun, acknowledge achievement, and reminisce about the more humorous and poignant memories of the year.  Financial success and achievement are great reasons to acknowledge our team and present crystal awards for outstanding achievement, but the highlight of the evening is awards given to each employee for a memorable event of the year.  Have you ever embarrassed yourself at work?  Something slipped out of your mouth that shouldn't?  Has a client ever pushed you to the limit? Do you have an interesting opinion that you have shared with others on sports, relationships, or politics?   If you are an employee of CBC one of your Colleagues is sure to notice and notate the morsel of fun to contribute to your award for the year.  Your award is guaranteed to be creative; it will embellish as much fun out of the moment as possible and very well could be presented by your closest colleague! 

Gag Award Hall of Fame

  • Politically Incorrect Award – Given to the Colleague that demonstrates the best method for not placing a caller on hold or correctly hanging up the phone before expressing their heartfelt opinion of them.
  • The “To the Left” Award – Ever driven with a Colleague or co-worker that turned Left every time you shout “Right” as you are trying not to miss your evening flight at the airport?  Don’t worry, Beyonce has your back and so do we!
  • The Gold Star Award – Management has the ability to hand out Gold Star Awards to Colleagues for superior performance.  But one lucky Colleague decided to create her own Gold Star Award and we had to recognize her recognition of herself!
  • The Key to CBC Award – No, this is not an award symbolizing a prestigious event such as someone receiving the key to your city.  This award recognizes the Colleague that not only locked their keys in their car, but left that car running while locked……for 3 hours!  And yes, the car was still in the parking lot!

In addition to our gag awards that we give away each year, we also take the time to recognize the contributions and accomplishments of key employees.  Our annual awards given each year to the top performers:

  • Inside Sales Award – acknowledges the top performer in terms of production from within our contact center
  • Outside Sales Award – honors the top producing outside sales person of the year
  • Mission Accomplished Award – award given to the employee that best exemplifies the Mission, Vision and Values of CBC
  • Peer Recognition Award – This award is special.  Each year the employees vote to determine the person that deserves to be recognized on the basis of the following merits:  attitude, creativity, effort and strength. 

Our 2007 Holiday Party and Corporate Meetings took place aboard Royal Caribbean’s Monarch of the Seas.  Each Colleaguee and their guest sailed for a 4 day, 3 night cruise to Baja Mexico compliments of CBC.  This trip was truly a reward to the Colleagues of CBC that have supported our growth and enabled the company to celebrate 10 years in business.  Our annual planning meeting took place over the course of 2 separate sessions, and our Holiday Party and Awards Banquet also took place on board the ship.

Now who wouldn’t want to be a part of this interesting and dynamic group of people?

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