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Mission, Vision, Values
Our Mission, Vision and Values

CBC Mission
Our mission is to develop long-term business relationships that are built upon consistently meeting the needs of our clients, keeping our promises, and delivering high quality, cost effective insurance products through a technologically driven distribution model.

CBC Vision
Our vision is to set the bar for leadership and innovation in our industry.

Action items to support that vision:

  • Streamline processes and utilization of technology
  • Encourage the flow of ideas through all levels of the company
  • Individual accountability with measurable results
  • Compensation based on production and fiscal responsibility
  • Commitment to professional business practices
  • Think Big-Expect Big

CBC Values
To recognize the potential of our Colleagues, and leverage their skills to support their families, our clients, our co-workers, our industry, and our community.

Key Values:
  • Family
  • Integrity
  • Community
  • Contribution
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