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Mini-Medical Plans

If you've been turned down for major medical insurance in the past, this may be a good option for you. Mini-meds are designed to cover typical medical expenses. They are not designed for catastrophic or major medical coverage. These plans have defined limits on coverage and are not considered insurance.

Who are Mini-Meds appropriate for?

  • Individuals with a pre-existing health condition and deemed "uninsurable"
  • Individuals who can't afford a major medical plan but need basic, non-catastrophic coverage
  • Individuals who have exhausted their COBRA benefits, and cannot qualify for individual coverage or afford an expensive HIPAA policy
  • Individuals seeking inexpensive "creditable coverage" while between jobs

How can they benefit you?

  • Guarantee Issue Plans - approval regardless of health and  medical underwriting
  • First dollar coverage
  • Negotiated discounts through national Preferred Provider Networks
  • Many offer discounts for vision, dental and prescription benefits
  • Some plans are HIPAA qualified and offer certificates of creditable coverage

What is HIPAA qualified? 
HIPAA qualified, means they can be considered "creditable coverage" by other carriers. If you have one of these plans and later enroll in a group insurance plan through an employer, the time on these plans may count toward any pre-existing waiting period on your new insurance.

It is very important to be a responsible consumer with these plans and understand the limitations of their coverage.  Contact CBC today to see if a mini-medical plan is right for you.


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