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Do you know where your fixed costs and claims are running monthly and year-to-date against budget? Do you know how many calls, emails and chats are coming from your employees regarding their benefits? Do you know what their issues are?

Sifting through volumes of data and information generated by your employee benefit plan and its associated carriers, participants and vendors can be time-consuming and costly.  CBC clients get this type of reporting monthly as well as service level guarantees to support the response.

Report-Source is the proprietary data management and reporting tool used to distribute meaningful program information to plan stakeholders. Report-Source enables informed decision-making from plan stakeholders by allowing them to select the content, format, timing and type of reports they need to receive to monitor their employee benefits plans.

  • Contact-Center
  • Financial reporting and results
  • Market analysis reports
  • Large claim and shock claim reporting
  • Stop Loss reporting
  • Predictive analysis
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