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Audit Source

Eliminate over payments and enrollment of ineligible dependents
Health care costs are threatening the financial well-being of companies both large and small. After design and procurement of your benefit package, benefit auditing is the next best practice to save money, ensure accurate data and compliance. Audit-Source provides a proactive approach for consistent scheduled auditing to ensure accurate billing, proper use by employees and Third Party Administrator (TPA) accuracy.

Enrollment Data Audits
  • Payroll files – accuracy and timeliness of delivery
  • Evidence Of Insurability (EOI) elections
  • Age bracket changes
  • Dependent eligibility

Dependent Audits
Research has shown that as many as 3-12% of covered dependents may be ineligible. Employers can see considerable savings in claims, premiums, administration fees and other possible plan costs. CBC performs all necessary audit functions and employee communications, such as:

  • Mail Dependent Verification Notice and Form
  • Send outbound call campaign reminders
  • Collect, review and process all eligibility certifications
  • Send follow-up letters and place phone calls to non-responders, as necessary
  • Report and remove dependents from coverage if they cannot be validated
  • Develop an ongoing process for future appeals and submission of proof-of-dependent eligibility

Health Care Claims Audit
CBC partners with several outstanding auditing services for healthcare claims. Combining advanced technology with
time-tested audit methodologies, innovative approaches have been developed to assess administrative effectiveness of health care claims. Detailed and easy-to-use reports are prepared and serve as the foundation for the development
of realistic, practical and cost-saving solutions.

Medical Claims
CBC employs computer-aided systems, logic and onsite reviews to efficiently identify claims with the highest likelihood for improper payments.

Prescription Drug Claims
Use of nationally-recognized drug databases, along with internally-developed clinical and technical logic, provide unparalleled checks against improper payments and administrative oversights.

Dental/Vision Claims
Audit criteria includes exceptions to covered services, services provided to ineligible participants, timely filling limits, deductible application, coinsurance application and maximum benefits.

Benefit Plan Audit
Utilizing the tools available through Procure-Source, you will receive a comprehensive audit of all
aspects of your benefit program’s competitiveness on an annual basis.

5500 Audit
CBC will schedule a complimentary review of a single IRS Form 5500 Return of your choice. This
review covers items that may trigger a Department of Labor notice or audit. Upon completion, you
will receive a report of our findings.

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