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Large Group Benefits Plans
Large Group Plans

CBC delivers competitive employee benefit programs combined with a support model that removes the
burden of benefits administration. Our clients experience an improved level of service and a reduction in overall costs.

What We Do For Our Clients:

Exhaustive Marketing Effort
Are you 100% confident each renewal that every effort
has been made to ensure the best cost structure available for every line of coverage and administrative service? CBC clients are that confident.

Outsourced Administration
Are you spending any time or resources internally on
benefit administration?

CBC clients are free from administrative burdens so they can focus on other important business initiatives.

Branded Contact Center
Are you delivering a branded communication campaign, web resources, branded phone, email and chat services designed to communicate your culture? CBC clients are.

Compliance and Auditing
Is your payroll deduction file audited every month? Is
your dependent audit conducted real-time? Are you
comfortable your plan is in compliance? CBC clients get access to these services monthly.

Extensive Reporting
Do you know where your fixed costs and claims are
running monthly and year-to-date against budget? Do
you know how many calls, emails and chats are coming from your employees regarding their benefits? Do you know what the issues are? CBC clients get this type of reporting monthly as well as service level guarantees to support the response.

How We Do It:
CBC-Source was developed to provide our clients with:

  • Cost saving benefit plan options
  • Branding and communications campaigns
  • Reduced human resource delivery costs
  • Effective management, reporting and auditing of all aspects of their benefit program
  • Advanced technology for communication and
  • Bottom line results

CBC-Source provides all the necessary elements to
design, implement and manage an employee benefit plan. We’ve created our infrastructure with a modular framework that enables you to choose the appropriate type of service and support that will benefit your plan the most

Partner with CBC:
Our clients enjoy the complete spectrum of support and service by
drawing upon the collective resources of CBC-Source. We have
developed CBC-Source by leveraging over 20 years of insurance
and human resources consulting with the most advanced contact
center resources available. We’ve combined veterans of the
insurance industry with leaders in design, communications and
technology development. Our team uses industry expertise, market
strength and advanced administrative solutions to provide bottom
line savings to our clients.

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