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Large Group Case Studies
Case Study 1

Services Employed:
Benefit Administration Services
Cost Management Strategy

25% reduction in plan costs in conjunction with Human Resources staff reduction and branded communication campaign.


  1. Multi-state retail company
  2. 800 participants in 150 locations
  3. Long term cost management strategy non-existent
  4. No onsite Human Resources or Benefits staff
  5. Corporate identity not consistent with benefits communications and recruiting strategy
  6. Payroll system not integrated with any benefits administration platform or HRIS


  1. Deploy branded website and contact center as hub all of all benefits administration and communications
  2. Design, draft, and conduct fulfillment on large scale communication campaign consistent with corporate vision and Human Resources recruiting and retention strategy
  3. Implement self service benefits platform and establish EDI transfers between contact center, payroll, and insurance carriers/administrators
  4. Analysis and recommendation on alternative carriers, administrators, plan designs and funding arrangements


  • $800,000 annual savings in health plan costs, and unit cost increase of only 5% over 4 years
  • Maintained zero Human Resources and Benefits staff in the field and reduced corporate staff by a full FTE
  • 100% self service and telephonic enrollment at retail locations
  • Established branded identity for Benefits and Human Resources



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