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Large Group Case Studies
Case Study 2

Services Employed:
Employee Satisfaction
Comprehensive Plan Analysis
Process Development and Outsourcing

$1,600,000.00 plan cost savings, administrative staff reduction and rave reviews from plan participants. 


  1. Multi-state staffing company
  2. 2,500 participants and 300 locations
  3. Utilization patterns not consistent with network access standards and available discounts
  4. Overstaffed yet underserviced
  5. Lack of consistent communications
  6. Lack of perceived value in benefits plan threatening viability through lack of participation


  1. Detailed network, discount and utilization analysis
  2. Leverage CBC contact center as back office benefits administrator
  3. Proactive communications and private labeled, self service website
  4. Outbound call campaigns that reached every eligible employee


  • 22% increase in medical plan participation
  • 100% increase in voluntary plan participation
  • $1,600,000.00 plan cost savings
  • 33% reduction in benefits staff




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